Weekly report 08/09/05 Yan Lin In the last week I was working on ICCAD final version. Other than that I was working on fpgaEVA-LP2 source code release. For vpr-lp, I've removed the top level module as well as most important routines related to LP based time slack allocation algorithm. There are still some routines and data structures embedded in other source files and interleaved with other functions. There are also many functions not described in the manual as below, i) body bias for unused interconnect switches ii) body biase assignment for used interconnect switches iii) criticality analysis iv) partition v) dual-vdd clustering after P&R vi) VddH/VddL/VddP mixed interconnects They are either incomplete or unpublished or for test purpose. I've removed the entry routines for these functions. Users cannot access these functions through configuration files. However, most routines and data structures related to these functions are still sitting in the source files and deeply interleaved with the original vpr source code. For Psim, I just used the source from Fei and didn't make any change. The manual as well as the template files in the released package have been updated for new added functions. Both vpr-lp and Psim source directories contain the copyright file.