Yan Lin 8/15/05 week 32 * TCAD revision II. 1) Finished SPICE simulation for LCs with power-gating - 8% delay overhead compared to w/o power-gating - 7% chip level area overhead (151% -> 158%) 2) Fixed bug in Psim _ Leakage power of LCs for connection switches is double counted - Re-run experiments for fine-grained LC insertion 3) Re-run LP based algorithm for clma - Program can be finished in 15H now!! - Due to updated objective function considering leakage? - Due to updated Linux operation system? - For relaxed time spec., program is still running. 4) Finished coding for alternative approaches for greedy dual-Vdd tree based assignment - First assign interconnects then CLBs - Uniformly assign interconnects and CLBs - Experiments are running