General RTL Synthesis Flow | ||
Figure 1. General RTL synthesis flow |
Starting from Verilog/VHDL
based description, the first component of RTL synthesizer is HDL
parser, which performs lexical and semantic analysis on the HDL file
and translate it to a intermediate format as the representation interfacing
with the following design stages. The possible intermediate format (IF) can
be Control and Data Flow Graph (CDFG) or other formats. In high level
synthesis, people usually rely on CDFG for scheduling and resource
allocation, while in RTL synthesis a relatively simpler IF is usually used.
For example, in OAGear the IF is nothing but a linked list of
module/statement/block in Verilog file. Having obtained the IF, the next step is Elaboration, which is to translate the behavior description in Verilog language to structural description. For example, certain statements such as condition statement (indicated by keyword if/case) and loop statement (indicated by keyword for/while) are not interpretable by hardware and must be translated to corresponding structural description. Here condition statement could be translated to one or more MUXes and loop statements should firstly be unrolled and then translated to corresponding structural description. Note that the elaboration procedure is technology independent. After elaboration, a (technology-independent) structural netlist is generated. During Elaboration, a set of Optimizations should be performed, which has been shown as the main distinguisher of the qualities between different RTL synthesizers. The common optimizations are
Device Inference is the next step, which is highly related to a specific FPGA device library. Different FPGA devices and families have different heterogeneous programmable logics, for instance, the implementation capabilities of the DSP blocks in Altera Stratix II and XIlinx Virtex IV are different. Despite those difference, we seek a general implementation in our RTL synthesis system, for which we assume the following heterogeneous logics exist and should be taken care of during inference
It is necessary to find a way to detect each of the above logics from the technology-independent netlist. The cut-based technology mapping is no longer universal since the number of inputs of a DSP unit could be huge (more than 10) and there are multiple outputs of a DSP unit. In practice, people select a seek node (e.g., a multiplier, '*') and perform the local search trying to find a matched pattern which can be implemented by a DSP device. After inference, part of logics (inferred blocks) are mapped to certain heterogeneous logics in FPGA library while the others (non-inferred blocks) are unmapped. For those inferred blocks, a block-wise mapping is performed to do i) sanity-check ii) simple duplication to satisfy the I/O constraints. For those non-inferred blocks, such as a comparer operator ('>'), a module compiler is needed to implement them as basic logic elements (e.g., AND-INVERTER), which will be further mapped to LUTs or dedicated macro-gates (LUT-based mapping). When two types of logics (inferred blocks and non-inferred blocks) are mapped, the netlist needs to be rebuilt to correct the port connections. A retiming procedure or other optimization could be performed after the mapping procedure. To interface with other CAD tools for back-end flow, a structural netlist writer is needed to produce various netlist format, such as structural Verilog, EDIF (needed by Altera Quartus) and XNF (needed by Altera ISE). To inform the back-end tool about the synthesis results, Library Parameterized Modules (LPMs)/Library Templates can be used so that Quartus/ISE will bind to an implementation on the FPGA whether that be a hard or soft implementation. The behavior of the finalized netlist should be verified. One way for the verification is to write a simple testbench to tie the primary outputs of the synthesized netlist and the original netlist with a set of XOR gates and perform the simulation by random input vectors. No logic '1' should appear if the synthesis tool works correctly.