09-17-07 to 09-23-07 I've finished the implementation of the framework for the re-synthesis platform. The implementation is built on OpenAccess system, which is a popular platform for industrial interfaced ICCAD software. My implementation includes the following parts: 1. A LUT mapper (read in a circuit described by OA format, and map it to LUTs) 2. A graph (resynthesis graph) representation for the LUT-mapped circuit, where the combinational part of the circuit is extracted 3. Cone (both SIMO and MIMO) generations in the resynthesis graph. 4. A simulator to compute the cone's logic function 5. A re-synthesis framework to greedily re-synthesize the circuit, i.e., generate a cone, test the feasibility and re-synthesize it if it's feasible to the library PLBs. 6. A plot tool to visualize the re-synthesis graph. I've copied the code in Victor's home directory in our server, "/home/vshih/oa/OAGear-0.97a/Resynthesis". Victor will integrate your Boolean matcher implementation in the feasibility test (part 5) in my code. To run my code, go to "testing" sub-directory and type " rs.sh s27" (run test case "s27", the smallest circuit in the benchmark set). After running, one will see the log file deposited in "rs_log/s27.log" and a postscript file in "rs_plot/s27.ps". One can see the graph in this ps file.