Yan Lin, weekly report, 5/15/05 1) TCAD paper revision i) I implemented the assignment algorithm presented in "A Dual-Vdd Low Power FPGA Architecture", A. Gayasen et al, FPL'04. The level converters are inserted at CLB inputs. All elements are assigned to VddH originally. All the nets driven by one CLB will have the same Vdd-level as the source CLB. ii) I was working on the experiments. Vdd-level assignment for fine-grained LC inserted, tree-based, segment-based, LP-based and penn state's approach are almost finished for no relaxed Tspec and relaxed Tspec cases. The ongoing work includes setting up power simulation and collecting data. iii) Spice simulation was performed to show that the Vdd-level has little impact on load capacitance and input capacitance. The result is shown as below for a 7X buffer, Vdd C_in C_out 1.3v 2.3fF 9.8fF 0.8v 2.2fF 10.2fF 2) literature research on nano-FPGA A few papers are categorized into i) Fault_Toelarant_FPGAs ii) Nano_Technique iii) Nano_Modeling iv) Nano_Programmable_Logic and are deposited into corresponding directories