Weekly report 07/01/05 Yan Lin 1. TVLSI final version I've finished the TVLSI final version and proof read the paper. The paper has been submitted to TVLSI. 2. Literature research on Nano programmable logic fabric i) Design of PLA using nano-technology --------------------- "Nanowire-Based Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays", Andre DeHon and Michael J. Wilson, ISFPGA'04 "Design of Programmable Interconnect for Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays", Andre DeHon, ISFPGA'05 These two papers mainly designed nano PLA architecture with nano-wires and molecular switches. Area and delay models have been presented. A simple design flow has been presented in the second paper. PLAMAP by deming is used for technology mapping. VPR is used for placement. A nanoPLA router(npr) is developed for global routing. This router is a global, directional wire router based on the pathfinder router. The evaluated parameters are I, P and O, which are number of inputs, product terms and outputs, respectively. The minimum area mapping solution for each benchmark is used to compare to the 22nm LUT-based FPGAs. -------------- "A Greedy Algorithm for Tolerating Defective Crosspoints in NanoPLA Design", H. Naeimi and A. DeHon, International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT)'04 This paper presented two algorithms that map the logic functions to nano PLA. The defect rate is assumed as of 20% as observed by HP crossbar, where 15% molecular switches are defective in a 8x8 arrays. The logic functions are assumed as of being mapped in terms of sum of products. For a function with m terms, it can be mapped to a row with n non-defective switches as long as n is no smaller than m. The problem is to find a fast algorithm to map a set of functions to an array considering random defective molecular switches. The first algorithm is exact. It first detect all the switches and then solve this problem optimally by solving the maximum bipartite matching problem. It has been shown that this algorithm has O(n^2) test operations and O(n^3) computing operations. The second greedy heuristic algorithm map the function set to nano PLA array in a greedy fashion. The complexity is o(n^2) test operations and o(n log(n)) computing operations in the worst case. The average complexity can be lowered to o(n) by bounding the maximum number of variables in logic function. It has also been shown that 20% defect rate can be tolerated by introduced 13% extra molecular switches. ----------- The above three papers have been deposited under directory /nano-fpga/Nano_Paper/PLA/NanoPLA ii) Technology mapping for PLAs --------------- "Performance-Driven Mapping for CPLD Architectures", D. Chen et al, TCAD'03 This paper presented an performance driven algorithm to map logic functions to multi-output PLA-style programmable logic fabric. The algorithm includes three steps, labeling, mapping and packing where packing tries to collapse the mapped netlist without increasing logic depth. An average of 50% depth reduction has been achieved when compared to the existing work. ---------------- "Technology Mapping for k/m-macrocell Based FPGAs", J. Cong et al, ISFPGA'00 "Technology Mapping and Architecture Evaluation for k/m-macrocell Based FPGAs", J. Cong et al, IODAES'05 These two papers presented the mapping algorithms for single-output PLA-style FPGAs. The second paper also presented the schematic diagram of a k/m-macrocell with area and delay model. When compared to LUT-based FPGAs. the k/m-macrocell based FPGAs can reduce delay by 14%-33%. The larger k/m will lead to smaller delay and larger area. ----------- The above papers have been deposited under directory /nano-fpga/Nano_Paper/PLA/Mapping 3. I've read "An Efficient for Statistical Minimization of Total Power under Timing Yield Constraints", M. Mani et al, DAC'05 We may study the statistical Vdd-level assignment to minimize power under delay constraint compared to deterministic approach. The challenge is that our case is highly discrete (only two states). And also the delay in CLB is much complicated compared to logic gates.