In this week, I'm working on the follows: 1) I have tested the entire testing circuit together, that includes: test generate module, interconnect under testing, and ring oscillator; 2) I have found that, i) when using 7-stage minimum sized ring oscillator, the operating frequency is around 8~9GHz; ii) when using ring oscillator including a 1000um wire with minimum width (IBM single wire model), the operating frequency s only 2 GHz. It is due to the large delay introduced from wire. As for such a long wire, the size of the driving buffer needs to large enough. I'm enlarge the width to reduce the resistance such that hoping to observe a increased opening frequency; Moreover, I'm wondering if it will be more self-consistent to use slew-rate (rising time) as it is more related to inductance; 3) I'm still working on the layout for each logic circuit; 4) I'm reading papers about possible opt method applied for the impedance matching.