I list the follows for our study on power-efficient network processor design. First, there are two important conclusions [1] for discrete voltage levels on voltage scaling, considering only dynamic power: (i). There exist one unique optimal Vdd for any task with deadline and execution time such as total energy is minimized. Under such optimal Vdd the task execution time is equal to its deadline. (ii). If the unique optimal Vdd is not available in the discrete voltage level case, at most two Vdds are enough to achieve the optimal energy. We first need to extend both conclusions to include leakage power. With leakage power involved, it has been proved that there exists a critical Vdd denoted as Vc (and the corresponding frequency Fc) such that the overall energy consumption is minimized [2]. Further increasing or decreasing from such critical Vdd will increase total energy. Therefore, for conclusion (i), if the speed of Fc can meet the deadline, obviously Vc is the optimal Vdd. Otherwise, since in the vdd range of [Vc, Vmax] the total energy is still a convex function of Vdd, we can prove that conclusion (i) still hold, which I have already done. For conclusion (ii), by limiting ourselves in the vdd range of [Vc, Vmax] we can prove it even with the consideration of leakage power. After that, we may consider the following problems step by step. For each problem, we try our best to come up with analytical solution. If not possible, we need to develop some deterministic algorithms. 1. fixed workload with constant task rate R, continuous Vdd scaling, total number of PEs M, given QoS Decide the task rate r_i on each PE where the sum of r_i for i = 1 to M is equal to R, and the Vdd of each PE, to minimize the total system energy. I have some analytical derivations and they show that the answer is not trivial and it is not the case when all PEs have the same setting to minimize total energy. I am working on further details. 2. same conditions as problem 1, except for discrete Vdd levels Two things to decide: (i) the voltage setup problem, how to design the available vdd levels; and (2) voltage scaling: decide the task rate on each PE and the Vdd of each PE. Here the first thing (voltage setup problem) is similar to the ICCAD'03 paper I presented. The second thing is similar to the first problem but we have to consider discrete Vdd levels. 3. same conditions as problem 2, except that the task rate is no long a constant, but with probability density function, for variable workload. Decide the same two things as those in problem 2. Here the voltage setup problem can be solved by the method I proposed in last weekly report. The second thing is the same as that in problem 2. 4. VSVP problem: based on the conditions in problem 3, how to decide Vdd domains to minimize power supply cost. Some cost function of power domain is necessary. [1] T. Ishihara and H. Yasuura, "Voltage scheduling problem for dynamically variable voltage processors", ISLPED'98 [2] R. Jejurikar and C. Pereira and R. Gupta, "Leakage aware dynamic voltage scaling for real-time embedded systems", DAC'04