Weekly report Yan Lin 2/5/05 Work 1 on direction biased routing I read one related paper "The Stratix Routing and Logic Architecture" from Altera. The paper presents the idea of direct driven muxes which lead to faster and smaller architecture. By replacing some pass transistors with the direct driven muxes, the system performance can be improved. Although using direct driven muxes may increase channel width due to more routing stress, it may still reduce routing area due to smaller pass transitor size. However, the authors do not discuss the details of sizing issue as well as the detailed routing architecture including distribution of wire directions, switch block pattern etc. I went through the Stratix Device Handbook and Stratix II Device Handbook and found out Altera uses MultiTrack and DirectDrive technology while they are not discussed in details. And I did some search both in literature and US patent & trademark office but cannot find MultiTrack and DirectDrive. It seems that they out not open to public. Work 2 on TVLSI revision (1) Study Vdd-programmable/Vdd-gateable connection block using HSPICE (with Phoebe) For 4X connection switch with 1X PMOS sleep transistor, the delay is reduced by 28% compared to typical connection block using multiplexer. And the switching energy is smaller using Vdd-programmable/Vdd-gateable connection block. Therefore, we do not need to resize buffers in connection block. (2) Study Vdd-programmable/Vdd-gateable routing switch (with Phoebe) For 7X routing switch with 4X PMOS sleep transistor, the delay overhead is 16%. And the delay overhead is 11% if using 7X PMOS sleep transistor. Considering that Vdd-programmable/Vdd-gateable connection switch can reduce delay, 4X PMOS sleep tranistor is adopted to reduce area overhead. The overall performance degrades 3.3%. (3) Study area overhead breakdown For FPGA architecture (N,k) = (10, 4) using Vdd-programmable CLBs and Vdd-gateable interconnects (Class2), the overall area overhead for circuit alu4 is 20%, where the breakdown is as following, Overall 20% Level converters 1.5% Power Transistors/SRAMs for Vdd-programmable CLBs 2.5% Connection blocks 12% - SRAMs 1.5% - Power Transistors 3.5% - Control logics including decoder and Nand2 gates 8% Routing switches 4% - Power Transistors 4% For Vdd-programmable FPGA with fine-grained level converter inserted (Class1), the overall area overhead is 143%. For Vdd-programmable FPGA without LCs (Class3), the area overhead is 62%. As a remainder, the area overhead for Class1, Class2 and Class3 in our submission are 178%, 48% and 124%, respectively. For Class3, the area overhead breakdown is as following, Overall 62% Level converters 1.5% Power Transistors/SRAMs for Vdd-programmable CLBs 2.5% Connection blocks 41% - SRAMs 1.8% - Power Transistors 7.5% - Control logics including decoder and Nand2 gates 31% Routing switches 17% - SRAMs 6.6% - Power Transistors 8% - Nand2 gates 2.3% Another insight is that by using region-based Vdd-progrommable/Vdd-gateable routing switch/connection block, we can only reduce the area overhead due to SRAMs and Power Transitors but not decoders which introduce large area overhead ( 8% out of 20% for Vdd-gateable interconnects and 31% out of 62% for Vdd-programmable interconnects). (4) Ongoing work - Try to reduce area overhead due to control logic, i.e., decoders and NAND2 gates. - Run VPR and PSim for each FPGA Class. - Start to work on the wrinting part