My work in the past week includes the following: 1. Journal revision for TCAD paper. Considering that our Psim has adopted a new power model, I am running experiments to update the data in the journal papers. Basically, the power vs. performance tradeoff curve needs to be updated. I am choosing the VddH/VddL combinations in the origianl tradeoff curve and update the data, which includes re-generating the BC-netlist files and run Psim for 5 architectures: arch-SV, arch-hl, arch-PV-hlp arch-PV(100% P-blocks) and arch-ideal. So far, the BC-netlist generations have almost been finished. I will continue running the Psim. Also, I am think that if we can remove the mixed H/L/P and directly go to 100% P-blocks for Vdd-prorammable FPGAs. 2. Running SPICE experiments for skewed singal and studied how different switching patterns affect the interconnect power and delay. 3. Reading related FPGA papers. "Skew-Programmable Clock Design for FPGA and Skew-aware Placement", M.M.S.