In the past one week I worked on journal revision of power gating paper and the revision of our DAC submission. The journal revision has been finished. I modified the section of leakage energy characteristic and ideal power gating with updated results, and rewrote the section of realistic power gating. In this section of the new draft, we apply VRC with data retention ability to cache decay method, and compare the results to the original cache decay method without data retention. We show that cache decay with data retention on L2 cache can reduce performance penalty by 7% and increase energy saving by 12%. Furthermore, we show that the excessive whole chip leakage energy introduced by additional execution time due to performance penalty may exceed the leakage energy saving on individual components, and conclude that studies on leakage energy reduction should evaluate its effectiveness from the whole chip point of view, instead of focusing on individual components. The submission revision is on progress. The abstract and introduction have been finished. The contribution is explicitily stated as (1) To facilitate our study and avoid the tremendous simulation overhead when exploring the multi-dimensional design space for voltage scaling in CMP, we develop an analytical performance model to estimate the on-chip communication overhead in a CMP system. Our performance model is able to consider different $V_{dd}$ for different processing cores, and achieves less than 15% error compared to cycle accurate simulation. (2) We show the single power domain is sufficient for voltage scaling to reduce dynamic power. However, with the ever increasing leakage power in the deep sub-micron design era, multiple power domains are necessary for efficient voltage scaling in CMP. (3) We study the problem of power minimization consider on-chip power supply constraints with multiple power domains. We show that given power supply cost models, a cost-optimal on-chip power supply solution without considering leakage leads to 28.6% higher power than a leakage-aware cost-optimal solution. Therefore, optimal power supply solutions for voltage scaling in CMP are only achieved when considering both dynamic and leakage power. The performance model has already been updated. I am working on the sections of problem formulation and experimental results.