In the past one week I worked on Mindspeed review slides, study dynamic power management on multi-processor systems with voltage and freqency scaling, and read a few related papers. There are some studies on the traditional dynamic power management on multiprocessor systems, focusing on task scheduling. There is dependency between tasks more or less. Our case is somewhat different as there is no dependency between tasks (packets to process). Besides, our focus should be CMP considering on-chip power supply modules. There are a few things on the todo list: 1. constructure the abstract model for VRMs to use at microarchitecture level. 2. setup the model for dynamic workload characteristics. The total incoming packet rate has a normal distribution with parameters to be referred from VoIP papers in the literature. 3. implement the shared cache in our CMP simulator. Some interesting papers include: 1. L. Hammond et al, "A single-chip multiprocessor", IEEE Micro 1997. Envisioning the era of billion-transistor-on-a-chip, this paper discusses three possible architecture to make use of all the massive amount of transistors. They are: (1) wide issue-width superscalar; (2) SMT; and (3) CMP. The conclusion is superscalar can not be efficient due to its complexity. SMT can provide substantial performance increase but fall short of CMP due to wire delay and bandwidth requirement. This is an interesting point and can be further explored. Last year in MICRO there was a paper claiming the wire delay is not a problem for SMT and provide the pipelined memory to meet the SMT bandwidth requirement. However none of these studies considers realistic floorplan of SMT. Therefore all these conclusions are not so persuasive when it comes to the wire delay. 2. D. T. Marr et al, "Hyper-threading technology architecture and microarchitecture", Intel Technology Journal, 2002 This paper discusses the implementation of hyper-threading technology in Xeon.