In the past one week I worked on Mindspeed slides, MICRO proposal. I also spend a lot of time hacking the source code of Nepsim, an open source simulation for Intel IXP1200 network processors. My purpose is to figure out how it handles dynamic packet stream. By looking at the programs I realize it uses a different approach to represent packets. Currently we follow the method used in NetBench, where packets are compiled into benchmarks. Benchmarks take parameters of how many packets to process and the simulator just executed the benchmarks without really worrying about packets. This method is fine for fix incoming packet rate how not able to handle dynamically variable incoming packet rate. The method in Nepsim instead makes use of the Intel IXP SDK and generate a data file containing all packets, and decouple the benchmarks from packets. It also models the input/output packet buffers and model the behavior of reading packets into those buffers. The approach can be tranfered to our simulator as well. What I need to do is to integrate some functionalities in Nepsim to our simulator, and generate packet stream by IXP SDK by myself (or use their packets directly).