1. Finalized the two submissions to ISPD. Including formating and latex source submission. 2. Discussion with Joanna on Multi-level routing The discussion is mainly on the terminology of ML routing and the general concept of global routing and detailed routing. I went through the code with her a bit, explained the format of the benchmark, and the framework of ML routing. 3. Read papers in ASP-DAC I read one paper from D.F. Martin on statistical shortest path algorithm, which was the one they used in their buffer insertion paper published in ICCAD 2005. I had high expectation on their paper, but it turns out that what they exclaimed is not what I expected. The shortest path problem is solved with a lot of simplifed assumptions (indepence). There is another paper from Georgia Tech which claimed to have solved a similar problem (statistical Bellman-Ford Shortest paths problem). I will read more into this paper to see if there is any new contribution. === Carry-over from last week ==== 4. Detailed discussion with Yan on (1) how to model spatial correlation in SSTA for FPGA e.g., how to get the first-order canonical form, and how to obtain the coefficient in the canonical form? There are generally two ways, one is from SPICE simulation and the other is from analytical derivation, assuming we know what the underlying relation is, either from ckt physics or from ckt theorem). In fact, I also discussed this with Hao as he may be interested in extending his work on this subject. (2) how to speed-up SSTA computation considering spatial correlation e.g., how to improve accuracy without loosing correlation, how to speed-up by pruning I showed Yan that why the accuracy will be an issue. It is mainly because of the loose of correlation, both due to multi-way maxing, and due to path convergence. This problem can be solved in two ways (1) keep all correlation terms without lumping them into a random un-correlated term; (2) introduce an extra correlated term to match the variance. I also showed Yan the SSTA run time can be reduced by effectively pruning out some small correlated terms in the cannoical form. Yan will implement this technique as far as I understand. 5. Discussion with Lerong on (1) how to improve the spatial correlation model for DAC submission e.g., how to consider systematic spatial variation This is done by extending the linear model with an extra term to capture the systematic variation (or true die-to-die variation). (2) experiments to do to better present the exp data Details, please see Lerong's report -Jinjun