In the early of this week, I started to work on the journal version for the ISPD papers. I started with the spatial correlation one first. I managed to find one example that could illustrate the problem better. Specifically, I can show that not all monotonically decreasing function is a valid spatial correlation. A example is given. For a small case, I can prove the sufficient and necessary condition. For more general case, I will have to refer to the reference. I hope by doing this, we can better satisfy those potential reviewers' questions. (We can decide what shall be put and what shall be left out for the revision later.) In the late of this week, I prepared the slides on criticality which I will give tomorrow during group meeting. Over the weekend, I started to work on the dissertation according to the outline I sent last Friday. During the writing, I found that it's better for me to put some details into dissertation to make it complete for future reference. Moreover, I need to unify the terminology used across the whole dissertation. Therefore, I expect there are some more work to be done. But I'll try to keep my promise to give a version to all committee members before next Friday (Feb 24). -Jinjun