The following is the summary of my work in the week of Sep 12 - Sep 18. 1. Tune the PFM parameters under a 2-level stacked system. conclusions: a). If the inductance of the LC filter is too small, to maintain a low voltage ripple, the openning time of the power P transistor has to be small. The power efficiency of the PFM is brought down by the delay of the current comparator. So, the inductance has to be big and can't be integrated in the chip under current design. b). The current of the bottom loading must be smaller than the top loading. Otherwise, the voltage level of top loading can't be maintained because PWM keeps charging the capacitance of the capacitor of the PFM. I have tried to use a bypass transistor which is parallelly connected with the top loading and closed when the voltage level is higher than reference level. However, it brings down the total efficiency. 2. Develop scripts to scan the loading and runs simulations for a couple of times. 3. Integrates Sasank's PWM setting into the 2-level stacked system.