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CD-ROM ISBN#: 1-59593-074-4 Order#: 47805Getting Started
ISPD 2005 contains the proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Physical Design. Please take note that this CDROM is optimized for Netscape. For best viewing result, it is advised that you have Netscape installed on your computer. If you use Internet Explorer, please reduce the font size to get the intended viewing effect.
On the top navigation bar, you have the option of accessing the symposium by its Table of Contents, Abstracts, Session Index, or Author Index.
Two icons are used as links in these files:
links to the abstract of a
links to the PDF (Portable Document
Format) file of the paper, which will be displayed on Acrobat Reader.
In the Table of Contents file, you may click on either icon to view an abstract or the actual technical paper. The Abstracts file contains all the abstracts of the technical papers, it also has links to the PDF files of the papers. The session title in the Session Index file links to the corresponding session in the Abstracts file.
Each technical paper is in a PDF file, named after its page number in the symposium.