During this week, I have worked on the follows: 1) wrap up the first BSMOR algorithm. I made all the changes according to the discussion on Monday. I include some new results to validate the partitioning algorithm and mq poles matching. I include the content of BBDC and the experiment results for BMAS05. With all the contents above, I think it can be ready for a journal submission. Note that the second BSMOR method can stand alone for another conference submission. I'm working on the implementation right now. Should we send the copy to Sheldon, Eli, and David? 2) discuss and formulate the problem for L-inverse model reduction with Yiyu. The initial results show that our method has the best accuracy than other L-inverse model reductions when expanding at same frequency with same order. I'm working on an additional step to apply SVD truncation. I define another possible work that Yiyu can make some contribution: model reduction considering right hand side (RHS) PWL-src. The basic idea is to use a technique developed in SAPOR to treat the RHS PWL-src model reduction. As the RHS excitation source introduce new poles to the system, the Krylov subspace needs to be changed in this case. Previous work, like Janet Wang and Charlie Chen are limited with some cheap treatment. The accuracy and stability is not good. 3) resume to work on layout and start the discussion with Kevin's student; Right now there is problem using LVS when doing the hierarchical design. This part needs to work hard in the next week.