During this week, I have worked on the follows: 1) working with Yiyu on the experiments for 3D via allocation: 1.1) generating the figure to show the hotspot cooling; 1.2) generating the via distribution; 1.3) designing scalability experiments to show runtime and the corresponding cooling result. 1.4) discussing with Joanna and Prof.Jing about how to extend it in routing; 2) revised and submitted the TCAD version for BVOR; 2.1) added the part about how to stamp in the VNA and NA matrices with active devices; 3) reading papers on nonlinear MOR and opt: 3.1) bilinear MOR by Phillips is a nice form to reduce nonlinear system. the resulted state equation shows triangular structure; and the moment matching can be proved; however, the problem is that the size of state matrices grows exponentially with model order; it needs a iterative procedure to obtain projection vector using the matrix structure; 3.2) peng li's paper directly use the Volterra expansion in an iterative fashion; it avoids using the large state matrices but the moment matching is awkward in this scheme; 3.3) needs some discussion with some expert in math who know much of bilinear formed nonlinear system. 4) checked status of chip from MOSIS website, no further news yet.