During these two weeks, I have worked on the follows: 0) work with yiyu to prepare the measurement of chip; 1) finished journal version for bvor and working on journal version for tbs; 3) discuss with yu about clock synthesis: figured out a parameterization approach for clock tree optmization; 3.1)due to logic power correlation, the temperature distribution has correlation; 3.2) by taking the time-domain snapshots of temperature, we can construct a correlation matrix which is low rank; 3.3) using SVD we can find the rank number (k) of the correlation matrix; as such, we can do a k-means clustering to find k clusters and their centers. 3.4) hence the orignal parameterized system can be partioned into k clusters, where all parameters in one cluster can be treated similarly. This can be extended into parameterized reduction considering process variation. 4) read papers on driver modeling in timing analysis;