1. Presentation for the conference. 2. Continue working on decoupling capacitance. a) Did some experiments to study the relation between the impedance reduction and a impedance metrics based on the impedance formula proposed before. This study is for selecting best location of a decap. However, experiments shows the metric is not so good in terms of fidelity and frequency dependent. b) Finished the interfaces for data exchange between the company and school. This interface includes two parts: i. G, C matrices ii. Geometry mapping information for ports. c) Coded on the SA algorithm for study the location sensitivity and for later comparison. d) About the optimization algorithms, two approaches will be studied now: i. Frequency domain based: 1. Suppress the resonance peaks. Sort the peaks from low to high, select the location which can best suppress the lowest resonance peaks. Until all the peaks are shifted out of the band of interest. 2. Then select location to minimize the Leff value of ports with violated impedance values. ii. Time domain based: 1. Compute the poles and residues: may just first 3-4 poles. 2. Compute the voltage of each ports. 3. For resonance waves, insert the decaps at the port with maximum voltage. 4. For di/dt, still needs thinking. May use the same strategy as frequency domain, but use time domain metrics. I plan to verify these algorithms with school resources.