More News:
11/2018: Our paper published in IEEE Communications Magazine (2016) received the IEEE TCGCC Best Magazine Paper Award.
10/2018: State Grid Blockchain Project has been approved to be funded (RMB 350,000) from year 2018 to 2019.
09/2018: State Grid Security Project has been approved to be funded (RMB 185,000) from year 2018 to 2019.
09/2018: Our paper is published by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
08/2018: Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) "Data Security in Edge Computing" has been approved to be funded (RMB640,000) from year 2019 to 2022.
08/2018: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System.
07/2018: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
05/2018: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
04/2018: Two State Grid Security Projects have been approved to be funded (RMB 300,000) from year 2018 to 2019.
01/2018: Our paper is accepted by IEEE IPDPS 2018.
09/2017: Another State Grid IoT Project has been approved to be funded (RMB 337,000) from year 2017 to 2018.
09/2017: Our paper is accepted by ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems.
09/2017: Prof. Wang is evaluated to IEEE Senior Member.
08/2017: State Grid Communications Project has been approved to be funded (RMB 202,000) from year 2017 to 2018.
08/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
08/2017: Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) "Research on Techniques of Data Aware Processing and Cognitve Management in Energy Internet" has been approved to be funded (RMB650,000) from year 2018 to 2021.
07/2017: Three papers are accepted by IEEE Globecom 2017.
07/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:10.435) .
07/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications (IF:8.972) .
07/2017: Ph. D student Xiaoxuan Hu is visiting The University of Aizu, Japan for one year, supervised by Prof. Li.
07/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
07/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:10.435) .
06/2017:Our paper is accepted by ECML-PKDD 2017 (Acceptance rate:27%, CCF B)
06/2017: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing.
06/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Cloud Computing.
06/2017: Congrats!!! Jiahui Yu received the full scholarship as a Ph. D candidate in Dayton University, USA.
05/2017: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:7.23).
05/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing.
05/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF:4.066).
04/2017:Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2017 (Acceptance rate:19%, CCF B)
04/2017:Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 6.764).
04/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
03/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:10.435) .
03/2017: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:7.23).
03/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing.
02/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Multimedia (IF:2.849).
02/2017: Our paper is accepted by Computer Networks (IF:2.516).
01/2017: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE ICME 2017 (CCF B).
01/2017: Two papers are accepted by IEEE ICC 2017.
01/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (IF:3.78).
01/2017: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:10.435) .
01/2017: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IF:3.376).
12/2016: Yun Shao's paper is accepted by IEEE Access (IF: 3.244) .
12/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Systems Journal (IF: 3.882).
12/2016: Our paper won IEEE Globecom 2016 Best Paper Award.
11/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF:4.066).
11/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:7.23).
10/2016: Congrats!! Graduate student Xin Qi was elected as National Scholarship Fellow (RMB20,000) in year 2015/2016.
10/2016: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IF:4.181).
10/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:7.23).
10/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF: 6.645).
10/2016: Our co-authored paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:10.435) .
9/2016: Congrats!! Yuhua Zhang was honored with Outstanding Master Dissertation Award of Jiangsu Province in year 2015/2016.
9/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications (IF:8.972) .
8/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:7.23).
7/2016: One coauthored paper is accepted by Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (IF: 0.942) .
7/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:10.435) .
7/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Globecom 2016.
6/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE PIMRC 2016.
6/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications (IF:4.148).
6/2016: IEEE Fellow, Prof. Sherman Shen, from the University of Waterloo, Canada, visited our Lab.
6/2016: IEEE Fellow, Prof. Nei Kato, from the Tohoku University, Japan, visited our Lab.
6/2016: Prof. Song Guo, from the University of Aizu, Japan, visited our Lab.
5/2016: Our paper is accepted by Mobile Networks and Applications (IF: 1.045) .
5/2016: Prof. Yao Liang, from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA, visited our Lab and gave a talk.
5/2016: Graduate students Li Yang and Yunqi Wang attended IEEE ICC 2016 in Malaysia.
5/2016: Two papers are accepted by IEEE ICCC 2016.
4/2016: Prof. Stephen Wang, from the University of Bristol, UK, visited our Lab.
4/2016: Our paper is accepted by Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (IF: 1.518) .
3/2016: Hui Jiang's paper is accepted by IEEE Access (IF: 1.25) .
3/2016: Prof. Song Guo, from the University of Aizu, Japan, visited our Lab.
3/2016: Our paper is accepted by ACMTransactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (IF: 2.25)
3/2016: One coauthored paper is accepted by IEEE Access (IF: 1.25) .
2/2016: One coauthored paper is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications (IF:4.148).
2/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 4.708).
2/2016: Li Yang's paper of our group is accepted by IEEE ICC 2016, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from May. 23-27, 2016.
1/2016: Prof. Yan Zhang, from University of Oslo, Norway, visited our Lab.
1/2016: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications (IF:5.417) .
1/2016: Our paper is accepted by ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (IF: 1.367).
1/2016: Prof. Wang has been officially full-funded as a Visiting Researcher, from July. 1 to September 30, 2016, by the Univerisity of Aizu, Japan. He will co-work with Prof. Song Guo.
12/2015: Dr. Kun Wang has been invited to Serve as Publication co-chair for IEEE ICCC 2016, held in November 2016, Chengdu, China.
12/2015: One coauthored paper is accepted by IEEE Access.
12/2015: Graduate student Xin Qi attended IEEE IECON 2015 in Yokohama, Japan.
12/2015: One coauthored paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF:8.785) .
11/2015: Dr. Kun Wang has been invited to Serve as Pubilicity co-chair for IEEE BDSTA workshop, in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2016, held in 10-15 April 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.
11/2015: Congrats!! Six undergraduate students were elected as NYIT (New York Institute Technology) Presidential global fellowship (6000 USD) for their project on Energy Internet.
10/2015: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:2.899).
10/2015: Dr. Kun Wang has been invited to Serve as Symposium chair for IEEE WCSP 2016, held in 13-15 October 2016, Yangzhou, China.
9/2015: Prof.Kun Wang has been elected as Nanjing 321 High-Tech Talents Project in year 2015.
9/2015: Dr. Kun Wang has been invited to serve as Local Associated Arrangement Chair for IEEE IPCCC 2015, held in Dec. 14-16, Nanjing, China.
9/2015: Congrats!!Graduate student Heng Lu (Rank 1) and Hui Gao (Rank 2) were elected as National Scholarship Fellow (RMB20,000) and Enterprise Scholarship Fellow (RMB2, 000) in year 2014/2015.
8/2015: Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) "Research on Techniques of Complex Event Processing inStream Computing based on Context-aware Data Stream" has been approved to be funded (RMB770,000) from year 2016 to 2019.
8/2015: Xin Qi's paper of our group is accepted by IEEE IECON 2015, Yokohama, Japan.
7/2015: State Grid Security Project "Communications Security in Energy Internet" has been approved to be funded (RMB 188,800) from year 2015 to 2016.
7/2015: Yuhua's paper of our group is accepted by IEEEGlobecom 2015, San Diego, USA.
7/2015: ZTE Innovation Project "Consumers Aware oriented 4G-LTE Data Mining for Wireless Network Optimization" has been approved to be funded (RMB 180,000) from year 2015 to 2016.
5/2015: Xin Qi's paper of our group is accepted by IEEE INDIN 2015, Cambridge, UK.
4/2015: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 8.785)
4/2015: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal (IF:1.852) .
1/2015: Three papers are accepted by IEEE ICC 2015, held in London, UK, from Jun. 8-12, 2015.
10/2014: Congrats!! Graduate student Yuhua Zhang was elected as National Scholarship Fellow (RMB20,000) in year 2013/2014.
9/2014: Our paper is accepted byIEEE Communications Magazine (IF:4.46) .
5/2014: Natural Science Foundation (NSF)of Jiangsu Province "Research on Techniques of Complex Event Processing inStream Computing based on Real-time Perceptive Out-of-Order Data" has been approved to be funded (RMB 100,000) from year 2014 to 2017.
4/2014: Prof.Kun Wang has been elected as Excellent Young Teachers of Jiangsu Qinglan Project in year 2014.
3/2014: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (IF:4.46).
1/2014: Two papers are accepted by IEEE ICC 2014, held in Sydney, Australia, from Jun. 9-14, 2014.
12/2013: Congrats!! Graduate student Huang Guo was elected as National Scholarship Fellow (RMB20,000) in year 2012/2013.
12/2013: Prof. Kun Wang Attended IEEE Globecom 2013 in Atlanta, from Dec.7-14, 2013.
Open Position (s):
I am currently recruiting highly motivated Ph. D and Master students to conduct research on information security, big data, network performance & optimization and smart grid. Specifically, anyone who is eager to go studying abroad, you may have opportunity to be recommended with full scholarship to US, Canada, Europe, Japan, etc. Interested candidates please email your full CV with publications (if any) to me for consideration.