Welcome to Xiaoyu Shi's Homepage at UCLA EDA Lab

I have moved to Canada following Dr. Bryan Yu Hu since 2009. I am now a Master student at Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta. You can find my new homepage here.

I am currently a visiting research student in EDA lab at Electrical Engineering Department, UCLA since 2008. I am finishing my Bachelor thesis under the supervision of Dr. Lei He and Ph.D. student Yu Hu. Before coming to UCLA, I was a undergrad student in the College of Computer Science and Technology and Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University, P.R.China since 2005. I worked as a research assistant in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University, where I was supervised by Dr. Congfu Xu from 2007 to 2008.

I am currently working on parallel FPGA placement. Different from the existing parallel FPGA algorithms, our placer should be deterministic, while still achieving desirable speedups. For my previous project, Yu and I proposed a fast cone-based window resynthesis methodology that significantly reduces the number of LUTs in a circuit design.

Thanks to Dr. Ren Sun in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA, I was selected to the 2008 UCLA-ZJU Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) program through a highly competitive interview process. I also want to thank Dr. Peter S. Pao in the Department of Computer Science, UCLA, for his insightful guidance and kind help.



Contact Information
New homepage at University of Alberta, Canada: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~xshi
shixiaoyu [At) ucla (dOT} edu (not used anymore)
shixiaoyu (DOt} zju [aT) gmail {DoT] com
University of California, Los Angeles
53-109 Engineering IV, CA, 90095

Last updated, Aug. 2009. Site Meter -->