Welcome to Xiaoyu Shi's Homepage at UCLA EDA Lab
I have moved to Canada following Dr. Bryan Yu Hu since 2009. I am now a Master student at Department of Computing Science , University of Alberta . You can find my new homepage here .
I am currently a visiting research student in EDA lab at Electrical Engineering Department , UCLA since 2008.
I am finishing my Bachelor thesis under the supervision of Dr. Lei He and Ph.D. student Yu Hu . Before coming to UCLA, I was a undergrad student in the College of Computer Science and Technology and Chu Kochen Honors College , Zhejiang University , P.R.China since 2005. I worked as a research assistant in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University, where I was supervised by Dr. Congfu Xu from 2007 to 2008.
I am currently working on parallel FPGA placement. Different from the existing parallel FPGA algorithms, our placer should be deterministic, while still achieving desirable speedups. For my previous project, Yu and I proposed a fast cone-based window resynthesis methodology that significantly reduces the number of LUTs in a circuit design.
Thanks to Dr. Ren Sun in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology , UCLA, I was selected to the 2008 UCLA-ZJU Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) program through a highly competitive interview process. I also want to thank Dr. Peter S. Pao in the Department of Computer Science , UCLA, for his insightful guidance and kind help.
Contact Information
New homepage at University of Alberta, Canada: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~xshi
shixiaoyu [At) ucla (dOT} edu (not used anymore)
shixiaoyu (DOt} zju [aT) gmail {DoT] com
University of California, Los Angeles
53-109 Engineering IV, CA, 90095
Last updated, Aug. 2009.
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