The BruinSyn package contains the following parts:
Source code of the RTL synthesis library, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/*.h *.cpp *.lxx *.yxx
Source code of the excutable for BruinSyn, i.e., $BruinSyn/verilogRTLSynthesis/verilogRTLSynthesis.cpp
Documentation, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/Documentation
Change Log, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/ChangeLog
Makefiles, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/Makefile.*, $BruinSyn_HOME/verilogRTLSynthesis/Makefile.*.
Wrapper of the executable, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/verilogRTLSynthesis/
Unit test benchmarks, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/verilogRTLSynthesis/Verilog_XST/*.v (associated with XST 8.1 documentation and obtained from Xilinx Inc.)
Unit test results, i.e., $BruinSyn_HOME/verilogRTLSynthesis/Verilog_XST/golden/*.v (output structural Verilog by BruinSyn)
Generated on Mon Jul 9 14:17:21 2007 for OA Gear Fpga by