oagFpga::AiModGraph | Object for manipulating graphs in the module domain view |
oagFpga::AiModRef | A reference into an and/inverter graph in a particular Module |
oagFpga::FpgaMapper | A cut-based mapper |
oagFpga::Manager | This class manages the functional description of a design |
oagFpga::MapperUtils | A utility class for commonly used mapping-related functions |
oagFpga::ModGraph | Object for manipulating graphs in the module domain view |
oagFpga::ModRef | A reference into a Black Box graph in a particular Module |
oagFpga::ModuleCompiler | Class for synthesizing various design objects into OpenAccess functional designs. AIG is used as the intermediate storage |
oagFpga::MultiRef | A reference to a single-bit function, either an oaModBitNet* or an oagFpga::BBRef |
oagFpga::Observer | A observer object to intercept save and open calls |
oagFpga::OccGraph | Object for manipulating graphs in the occurrence domain view |
oagFpga::OccRef | A reference into an and/inverter graph in a particular Occurrence object |
oagFpga::RtlGraph | The intermediate data structure for storing the structural netlist with black boxes |
oagFpga::RtlNode | The intermediate data structure for storing the structural netlist with black boxes |
oagFpga::RtlNode::RtlMuxNodeInfo | |
oagFpga::RtlNode::RtlOptNodeInfo | |
oagFpga::RtlNode::RtlSeqNodeInfo | |
oagFpga::SimMod | An object for simulating input vectors on hierarchical designs |
oagFunc::SimOcc | An object for simulating input vectors on hierarchical designs |
oagFpga::Synthesis | Class for synthesizing various design objects into OpenAccess functional designs |
oagFpga::Synthesis::Bounds | |
oagFpga::Synthesis::ConstantValue | |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign | An entire Verilog design |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::AlwaysBlock | An always block |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Assignment | A continuous assignment |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Bundle | A concatenation of expressions |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Case | A single case inside of a case statement |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Declaration | A wire, port, reg, or data type declaration |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Expression | An expression |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Function | A function definition |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Instantiation | A module instantiation |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Module | A single Verilog module |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Port | A port definition (from inside a portlist) |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::PortConnection | A port connection inside of a module instantiation |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Primary | An expression primary |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Statement | A procedural statement |
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::Trigger | A procedural trigger |
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesis | Constructs OpenAccess objects and a functional description from a given VerilogDesign object |
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesis::ConditionalLvalRef | |
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesis::FunctionVariableAssignment | |
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesis::LvalRef | This represents the destination of a left-hand assignment |
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesis::ProceduralState | |