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OA Gear Fpga Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oagFpga::AiModGraphObject for manipulating graphs in the module domain view
oagFpga::AiModRefA reference into an and/inverter graph in a particular Module
oagFpga::FpgaMapperA cut-based mapper
oagFpga::ManagerThis class manages the functional description of a design
oagFpga::MapperUtilsA utility class for commonly used mapping-related functions
oagFpga::ModGraphObject for manipulating graphs in the module domain view
oagFpga::ModRefA reference into a Black Box graph in a particular Module
oagFpga::ModuleCompilerClass for synthesizing various design objects into OpenAccess functional designs. AIG is used as the intermediate storage
oagFpga::MultiRefA reference to a single-bit function, either an oaModBitNet* or an oagFpga::BBRef
oagFpga::ObserverA observer object to intercept save and open calls
oagFpga::OccGraphObject for manipulating graphs in the occurrence domain view
oagFpga::OccRefA reference into an and/inverter graph in a particular Occurrence object
oagFpga::RtlGraphThe intermediate data structure for storing the structural netlist with black boxes
oagFpga::RtlNodeThe intermediate data structure for storing the structural netlist with black boxes
oagFpga::SimModAn object for simulating input vectors on hierarchical designs
oagFunc::SimOccAn object for simulating input vectors on hierarchical designs
oagFpga::SynthesisClass for synthesizing various design objects into OpenAccess functional designs
oagFpga::VerilogDesignAn entire Verilog design
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::AlwaysBlockAn always block
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::AssignmentA continuous assignment
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::BundleA concatenation of expressions
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::CaseA single case inside of a case statement
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::DeclarationA wire, port, reg, or data type declaration
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::ExpressionAn expression
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::FunctionA function definition
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::InstantiationA module instantiation
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::ModuleA single Verilog module
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::PortA port definition (from inside a portlist)
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::PortConnectionA port connection inside of a module instantiation
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::PrimaryAn expression primary
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::StatementA procedural statement
oagFpga::VerilogDesign::TriggerA procedural trigger
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesisConstructs OpenAccess objects and a functional description from a given VerilogDesign object
oagFpga::VerilogSynthesis::LvalRefThis represents the destination of a left-hand assignment

Generated on Mon Jul 9 14:17:21 2007 for OA Gear Fpga by  doxygen