Reference for Verilog RTL Synthesis


Introduction to Logic Synthesis Using Verilog
Verilog Tutorial
Course slides from EE216A
HDL Coding Styles Guide (from FPGA vendors' user manual)
  1. Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) User Guide (Chapter 2, 3 and 7)
  2. Quartus II Version 6.0 Handbook (Volumn1, Chapter 6 and 7)

NOTE: HDL parser, inference and optimization should follow the conventions defined in above papers.

An Academic RTL System
Peter Jamieson, Jonathan Rose, A VERILOG RTL SYNTHESIS TOOL FOR HETEROGENEOUS FPGAS, FPL 2005. [pdf] [slides] [download source code]
A Survey of Low Power RTL Synthesis
M. Pedram and A. Abdollahi, Low-power RT-level synthesis techniques: a tutorial, IEE proceedings. Computers and digital techniques, 2005. [pdf]
Xilinx FPGA documentations 8.1i
Xilinx Development System Reference Guide (A comprehensive overview of Xilinx FPGA design flow and design style)[pdf]
Xilinx Libraries Guide (Schematic and HDL template for primitives and macros present in (small) Xilinx FPGA family)[pdf]
ISE 8.1i Quick Start Tutorial[pdf]
Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide (Design and evaluation methodology, HDL coding styles and simulation flow)[pdf]
Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs (HDL templates for Xilinx Virtex 4 primitives) [pdf]
Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for Schematic Designs (Schematic templates for Xilinx Virtex 4 primitives and macros) [pdf]
Reference of Xilinx DSP48 (from Synplify)
Using Virtex4 DSP48 Components with the Synplify Pro Software [pdf]
Synopsys Formality Documentations 2006.3
Formality Quick Reference [pdf]
Formality User Guide[pdf]
Formality Automated Setup File (SVF) [pdf]
Layout-Driven Floorplanning for FPGAs
Synopsys VCS Documentations 2006.6
  Web documentation