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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "oagFpgaVerilogDesign.h"
00004 namespace oagFpga {
00007 // *****************************************************************************
00008 // ~VerilogDesign()
00009 //
00011 //
00012 // *****************************************************************************
00013 VerilogDesign::~VerilogDesign() {
00014   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;
00015   // delete modules
00016   for(std::list<Module *>::iterator it=modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); it++) 
00017     delete (*it);
00018 }
00021 // *****************************************************************************
00022 // VerilogDesign::~Module()
00023 //
00025 //
00026 // *****************************************************************************
00027 VerilogDesign::Module::~Module() {
00028   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;
00029   // delete ports
00030   if (ports) {
00031     for(std::list<Port *>::iterator it=ports->begin(); it!=ports->end(); it++) 
00032       delete (*it);
00033     delete ports;
00034   }
00035   // delete assignments
00036   if (assignments) {
00037     for(std::list<Assignment *>::iterator it=assignments->begin(); it!=assignments->end(); it++) 
00038       delete (*it);
00039     delete assignments;
00040   }
00041   // delete always blocks
00042   if (alwaysBlocks) {
00043     for(std::list<AlwaysBlock *>::iterator it=alwaysBlocks->begin(); it!=alwaysBlocks->end(); it++) 
00044       delete (*it);
00045     delete alwaysBlocks;
00046   }
00047   // delete initial blocks
00048   if (initialBlocks) {
00049     for(std::list<Statement *>::iterator it=initialBlocks->begin(); it!=initialBlocks->end(); it++) 
00050       delete (*it);
00051     delete initialBlocks;
00052   }
00053   // delete functions
00054   if (functions) {
00055     for(std::list<Function *>::iterator it=functions->begin(); it!=functions->end(); it++) 
00056       delete (*it);
00057     delete functions;
00058   }
00059   // delete instantiations
00060   if (functions) {
00061     for(std::list<Function *>::iterator it=functions->begin(); it!=functions->end(); it++) 
00062       delete (*it);
00063     delete functions;
00064   }
00065   // delete declarations
00066   for(std::list<Declaration *>::iterator it=declarations.begin(); it!=declarations.end(); it++) 
00067     delete (*it);
00068   // delete parameters
00069   for(std::list<Declaration *>::iterator it=parameters.begin(); it!=parameters.end(); it++) 
00070     delete (*it);
00071   // delete parameter overrides
00072   if (parameterOverrides) {
00073     for(std::list<Declaration *>::iterator it=parameterOverrides->begin(); it!=parameterOverrides->end(); it++) 
00074       delete (*it);
00075     delete parameterOverrides;
00076   }
00077 }
00080 // *****************************************************************************
00081 // VerilogDesign::~Declaration()
00082 //
00084 //
00085 // *****************************************************************************
00086 VerilogDesign::Declaration::~Declaration() {
00087   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;
00088   if (start)
00089     delete start;
00090   if (stop && start != stop)
00091     delete stop;
00092   if (start2D)
00093     delete start2D;
00094   if (stop && start2D != stop2D)
00095     delete stop2D;
00096   if (value)
00097     delete value;
00098 }
00101 // *****************************************************************************
00102 // VerilogDesign::~Function()
00103 //
00105 //
00106 // *****************************************************************************
00107 VerilogDesign::Function::~Function() {
00108   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00109   if (declarations) {
00110     for(std::list<Declaration*>::iterator it=declarations->begin(); it!=declarations->end(); it++) 
00111       delete (*it);
00112     delete declarations;
00113   }
00114   if (start)
00115     delete start;
00116   if (stop && start != stop)
00117     delete stop;
00118   if (action)
00119     delete action;
00120 }
00123 // *****************************************************************************
00124 // VerilogDesign::~Trigger()
00125 //
00127 //
00128 // *****************************************************************************
00129 VerilogDesign::Trigger::~Trigger() {
00130   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00131   if (net)
00132     delete net;
00133 }
00136 // *****************************************************************************
00137 // VerilogDesign::~Assignment()
00138 //
00140 //
00141 // *****************************************************************************
00142 VerilogDesign::Assignment::~Assignment() {
00143   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00144   if (lval)
00145     delete lval;
00146   if (value)
00147     delete value;
00148 }
00151 // *****************************************************************************
00152 // VerilogDesign::~AlwaysBlock()
00153 //
00155 //
00156 // *****************************************************************************
00157 VerilogDesign::AlwaysBlock::~AlwaysBlock() {
00158   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00159   if (action)
00160     delete action;
00161   if (triggers) {
00162     for(std::list<Trigger*>::iterator it=triggers->begin(); it!=triggers->end(); it++) 
00163       delete (*it);
00164     delete triggers;
00165   }
00166 }
00169 // *****************************************************************************
00170 // VerilogDesign::~Case()
00171 //
00173 //
00174 // *****************************************************************************
00175 VerilogDesign::Case::~Case() {
00176   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00177   if (action)
00178     delete action;
00179   if (conditions) {
00180     for(std::list<Expression*>::iterator it=conditions->begin(); it!=conditions->end(); it++) 
00181       delete (*it);
00182     delete conditions;
00183   }
00184 }
00187 // *****************************************************************************
00188 // VerilogDesign::~Statement()
00189 //
00191 //
00192 // *****************************************************************************
00193 VerilogDesign::Statement::~Statement() {
00194   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00195   if (ifc.condition)
00196     delete ifc.condition;
00197   if (ifc.ifTrue)
00198     delete ifc.ifTrue;
00199   if (ifc.ifFalse)
00200     delete ifc.ifFalse;
00201   if (ifc.cases) {
00202     for(std::list<Case*>::iterator it=ifc.cases->begin(); it!=ifc.cases->end(); it++) 
00203       delete (*it);
00204     delete ifc.cases;
00205   }
00206   if (assign.lval)
00207     delete assign.lval;
00208   if (assign.rval)
00209     delete assign.rval;
00210   if (begin_end.block) {
00211     for(std::list<Statement*>::iterator it=begin_end.block->begin(); it!=begin_end.block->end(); it++) 
00212       delete (*it);
00213     delete begin_end.block;
00214   }
00215   if (begin_end.declarations) {
00216     for(std::list<Declaration*>::iterator it=begin_end.declarations->begin(); it!=begin_end.declarations->end(); it++) 
00217       delete (*it);
00218     delete begin_end.declarations;
00219   }
00220 }
00223 // *****************************************************************************
00224 // VerilogDesign::~Instantiation()
00225 //
00227 //
00228 // *****************************************************************************
00229 VerilogDesign::Instantiation::~Instantiation() {
00230   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00231   if (parameters) {
00232     for(std::list<Expression*>::iterator it=parameters->begin(); it!=parameters->end(); it++) 
00233       delete (*it);
00234     delete parameters;
00235   }
00236   if (connections) {
00237     for(std::list<PortConnection*>::iterator it=connections->begin(); it!=connections->end(); it++) 
00238       delete (*it);
00239     delete connections;
00240   }
00241 }
00244 // *****************************************************************************
00245 // VerilogDesign::~PortConnection()
00246 //
00248 //
00249 // *****************************************************************************
00250 VerilogDesign::PortConnection::~PortConnection() {
00251   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00252   if (value)
00253     delete value;
00254 }
00257 // *****************************************************************************
00258 // VerilogDesign::~Expression()
00259 //
00261 //
00262 // *****************************************************************************
00263 VerilogDesign::Expression::~Expression() {
00264   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00265   if (type == PRIMARY) {
00266     if (primary)
00267       delete primary;
00268     return;
00269   }
00270   if (type == BUNDLE) {
00271     if (primary)
00272       delete primary;
00273     return;
00274   }
00275   if (op1)
00276     delete op1;
00277   if (op2)
00278     delete op2;
00279   if (op3)
00280     delete op3;
00281 }
00284 // *****************************************************************************
00285 // VerilogDesign::~Primary()
00286 //
00288 //
00289 // *****************************************************************************
00290 VerilogDesign::Primary::~Primary() {
00291   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00292   if (range.start)
00293     delete range.start;
00294   if (range.stop && range.start != range.stop)
00295     delete range.stop;
00296   if (arguments) {
00297     for(std::list<Expression*>::iterator it=arguments->begin(); it!=arguments->end(); it++) 
00298       delete (*it);
00299     delete arguments;
00300   }
00301 }
00304 // *****************************************************************************
00305 // VerilogDesign::~Bundle()
00306 //
00308 //
00309 // *****************************************************************************
00310 VerilogDesign::Bundle::~Bundle() {
00311   if (!DELETE_UPON_DESTRUCTION) return;  
00312   if (replication)
00313     delete replication;
00314   if (members) {
00315     for(std::list<Expression*>::iterator it=members->begin(); it!=members->end(); it++) 
00316       delete (*it);
00317     delete members;
00318   }
00319 }
00321 }

Generated on Mon Jul 9 14:17:20 2007 for OA Gear Fpga by  doxygen